Wednesday June 4, 2025 8:00am - 9:00am MDT
The panelists will attempt to define and identify “Difficult Debtors,”  which includes pro se debtors, creditors, vexatious litigants and Sovereign Citizens before you are knee deep into the case.  In the quest to fulfill your statutory duties to obtain property and information for the estate from the difficult party the panelists will discuss a wide array of offensive tools and techniques you can utilize in these types of cases, from contempt (civil and criminal), to bench warrants, to garnishments, till taps and executions and much more. The panel will discuss defensive tools (such as the Barton doctrine, the three standards of liability and removal issues under Section 324,  as well as common sense strategies and tips. The presentation will include a judicial perspective regarding the Difficult Debtor who files pleadings and appears in Court and why such deference or patience may given to pro se parties.  
Wednesday June 4, 2025 8:00am - 9:00am MDT

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